Edgar Brown Soundex |
Occupation: Car Repairer | Born: Unknown |
Ernest G. Brown Soundex |
Occupation: Timekeeper at Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Unknown |
Frank L. Brown Soundex |
Occupation: Clerk | Born: Unknown |
George H. Brown Soundex |
Occupation: None at Tobacco Store | Born: Unknown |
Ernest 7-1 pf 7 Burghardt Relation in household: Head 5C (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Cabinetmaker | Born: Federal Republic of Germany |
Mary Burghardt Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Michigan) |
Frank Marlowic Relation in household: Head H (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Cabinetmaker at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Republic of Poland |
Helen Marlowic Relation in household: Wife wf (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Republic of Poland |
Mary Marlowic Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Frank Morlowic Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Joseph Morlowic Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
[Samistine] Morlowic Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Frank Serecki Relation in household: Roomer (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Laborer at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Republic of Poland |
Antone Simesmensto Relation in household: Head H (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Glazier at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Italian Republic |
Antonietta Simesmensto Relation in household: Wife wf (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Italian Republic |
Dante Simesmensto Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Louis Simesmensto Relation in household: Brother (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Glazier at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Italian Republic |
George [Borda] Relation in household: Roomer (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Laborer at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Republic of Poland |
Jacob [Isla] Relation in household: Roomer (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Laborer at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Republic of Poland |
Joseph [Koza] Relation in household: Roomer (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Laborer at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Republic of Poland |
Jacob [Royale] Relation in household: Roomer (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Painter at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Republic of Poland |
Bortolo Dalbianco: Grocery Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Unknown |
Bortolo Del Blanco: Grocery Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Unknown |
Aldo Manzardo Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Bruno Manzardo Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Gloria Manzardo Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Jerome Manzardo Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Carpenter at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Italian Republic (Genoa) |
Norma Manzardo Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Theresa Manzardo Relation in household: Wife - H (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Italian Republic (Genoa) |
Angalina Daller Costa Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: Italian Republic (Genoa) |
Dominico Daller Costa Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Laborer at Pullman Palace Car Company | Born: Italian Republic (Genoa) |
John Daller Costa Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: None | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Mary Daller Costa Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: Sorter at Typewriter Factory | Born: United States (Illinois) |
Angeline Dallacosta Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex |
Born: Italy | |
Dominic Dallacosta Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Repair Shop Laborer at Railway Rail Mfg | Born: Italy |
John Della Costa Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Car Joiner at Railway Car Mfg | Born: Indiana |
John Gbur Relation in household: Son-in-law (Male) Soundex |
Occupation: Millwright at In Can Mfg | Born: Illinois |
Mary Gbur Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex |
Occupation: Diver Propestogaher at Assistant Partmant Mgraga | Born: Italy |
Robert Gbur Relation in household: Grandson (Male) Soundex |
Born: Illinois |