Images in the collection -- Subject Landmark

City committee to look at plans to repair Pullman fire damage

Newspaper article announcing the public hearing date for the proposal for the Pullman factory site after the fire.

Subject: Pullman_(General); Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Pullman_Landmark; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Community to learn prognosis for its fire-ravaged landmarks

Newspaper article discussing the status of the buildings and clock tower after the December fire

Subject: Pullman_(General); Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Pullman_Landmark; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Company Town: As support for a National Park builds, how will Pullman present its past?

Subject: Pullman_(General); Pullman_Landmark; Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials - Publications

Consider landmark status

Clipping from unknown publication relation to city of Chicago landmark status which was approved in 1972.

Subject: Pullman_Landmark; Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Crowd hears Pullman site salvage plan

Newspaper article discussing meeting of the Commission on Chicago Landmarks for Pullman Factory.

Subject: Pullman_(General); Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Pullman_Landmark; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Emanuel basks in Obama's support during Chicago stop

Thank you page and article from the Journal Star in Peoria regarding the designation of the Pullman National Monument and President Obama's friendship with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

Subject: ; Chicago_History; Factory_Site; Illinois_History; Pullman_(General); Pullman_and_Afro-Americans; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Landmark; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Historic Pullman District Button

Large lapel button with image of Hotel Florence, reads Historic Pullman District

Subject: Advertising; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Landmark; Format: Button-Badges

Historic Pullman site lives on

Newspaper article discussing the Pullman factory site as one of the nation's eleven most endangered historic sites

Subject: Pullman_(General); Pullman_Landmark; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Investment in history

Newspaper article regarding the Pullman Palace Car factory a rail museum and tourist attraction.

Subject: Pullman_Landmark; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Landmark Designation for Pullman

Newspaper article regarding landmark designation. Picture of Cindy McMahon & Robert W. Fioretti, HPF president & VP, David Bahlman-ED of Landmarks Preservation Council of IL, Emil Jones-State Senator, Thomas Dart-State Rep.

Subject: Pullman_(General); Pullman_Landmark; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Landmark Status, City of Chicago

Letter sent to Mario Avignone confirming City of Chicago Landmark status to the South Pullman District. Letter from Samuel A. Lichtmann, Chairman of the Commission on Chicago Historical and Architectural Landmarks, dated August 18, 1972. Included in the file is a letter to Pullman residents urging them to attend City Council meeting and newspaper clipping describing the two buses of Pullman people attending the meeting.

Subject: ; Pullman_Landmark; Format: Food Service Equipment

Landmark Status, National

Letter to Abner J. Mikva, U.S. House of Representatives, notifing him that the Pullman Historic District was awarded national landmark status. Letter from Roger C. B. Morton, Secretary of the Interior, dated February 25, 1971.

Subject: Pullman_Landmark; Format: Correspondence

Overflow Crowd Attends Pullman Landmark Hearing

Article published in the Calumet Index describes Chicago Landmarks Commission hearing held to acquire landmark status for Pullman.

Subject: ; Pullman_Landmark; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Landmark

Newspaper clipping, unknown publication and date, c1970.

Subject: Pullman_Landmark; Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Landmark

Newspaper clipping, Chicago Tribune, August 8, 1972.

Subject: Pullman_(General); Pullman_Landmark; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman On Foot

Walking tour brochure published by Historic Pullman Foundation on unique buildings in the Landmark District Neighborhood.

Subject: Architecture; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Landmark; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pushing Pullman

Subject: Pullman_(General); Pullman_Landmark; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals



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