11129 St. Lawrence

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1883 City Directory

T. Adams
Occupation: Watchman

Born: Unknown
E.C. Tourtelot
Occupation: Clerk at Pullman Palace Car Company

Born: Unknown

1889 City Directory

Philip Kennedy
Occupation: Laborer

Born: Unknown
George Trembley
Occupation: Foreman

Born: Unknown
George J. Trembley
Occupation: Finisher

Born: Unknown
Joseph Trembley
Occupation: Finisher

Born: Unknown

1900 Federal Census

Amelia Schultz
Relation in household: Servant (Female) Soundex
Occupation: Domestic Help

Born: Russian Federation
Edward Williams
Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Illinois)
Edward A 5-1 pf 5 Williams
Relation in household: Head 2C 1S (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Iron Worker at Rolling Mill: Union Foundry

Born: United States (Pennsylvania)
Florence Williams
Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Indiana)
Minnie Williams
Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Wisconsin)

1910 Federal Census

Oscar Anderson
Relation in household: Lodger (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Carpenter at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company

Born: Kingdom of Sweden
Marie Everson
Relation in household: Wife wf (Female) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: Kingdom of Denmark
Peter Everson
Relation in household: Head H (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Upholsterer at Car Works, Upholstery Dept.: Pullman Palace Car Company

Born: Kingdom of Denmark
Alfred Hillstrom
Relation in household: Lodger (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Sheet Steel Worker at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company

Born: Kingdom of Sweden

1916 Phone Book

Peter Severson
Occupation: None

Born: Unknown

1920 Federal Census

Grida (?) M. Severson
Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: Kingdom of Denmark
Peter Severson
Relation in household: Head 1 (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Upholsterer at Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company

Born: Kingdom of Denmark

1930 Federal Census

James Fernedas
Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Chiropractor

Born: Republic of Turkey
Virginia Fernedas
Relation in household: Wife-H (Female) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Illinois)

1940 Federal Census

James Femedas
Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Chiropractor

Born: Hellenic Republic
Virginia Femedas
Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex
Occupation: None

Born: United States (Massachusetts)

1950 Federal Census

Dennis J Cortonassi
Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex
Born: Illinois
Emil Cortonassi
Relation in household: Head (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Self Employed at Tavern Owner

Born: Itaty France
Florence M Cortonassi
Relation in household: Daughter (Female) Soundex
Occupation: Short Hand Typist at Pump Man???

Born: Illinois
Gina Cortonassi
Relation in household: Wife (Female) Soundex
Born: Italy
Robert E Cortonassi
Relation in household: Son (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Mill Man at Steel Manufacture

Born: Colorado
Guido Santini
Relation in household: Father-in-law (Male) Soundex
Occupation: Clean Up Man at Retail Department Store

Born: Italy


The Property at 11129 St. Lawrence
was known as 119 Watt before 1907.

PIN Number: 25222080120000

Façade Documentation

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