1. Machnik, Walanty (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Republic of Poland Lived at: 11239 Champlain
Occupation: Machinist [Helper] Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1920 Federal Census |
2. Machnyk, Andrew (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Ukrine Lived at: 11256 Langley
Occupation: Machinist Steel Firess Auto Lody Lo Source: 1950 Federal Census |
3. Machnyk, Andrew (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Republic of Poland Lived at: 11256 Langley
Occupation: Barber Barber Shop Source: 1930 Federal Census |
4. Machnyk, Anne M (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11256 Langley
Occupation: Clerical Finishkeeper Printing Co Priol Chast Source: 1950 Federal Census |
5. Machnyk, Annie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11256 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
6. Machnyk, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11256 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
7. Machnyk, John F (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11256 Langley
Occupation: Retail Salesman Mfg Salt Co Source: 1950 Federal Census |
8. Machnyk, Lillie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Virginia Lived at: 11256 Langley
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
9. Machnyk, Tekla (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Republic of Poland Lived at: 11256 Langley
Occupation: Barber Barber Shop Source: 1930 Federal Census |
10. Machnyk, Walter (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11256 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
11. Machnyk, Walter (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11256 Langley
Occupation: Pressman Dresel Motor Mfg Co Source: 1950 Federal Census |
12. Mackenzie, Alexander (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 200 Fulton
Occupation: Tinsmith Source: 1883 City Directory |
13. Mackenzie, Alexander, Jr. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 200 Fulton
Occupation: Plumber Source: 1883 City Directory |
14. Mackenzie, Barbara (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11313 Langley
Occupation: Auditing Towel Laundry Mfg Source: 1950 Federal Census |
15. Mackenzie, Charles (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11313 Langley
Occupation: Never Worked Source: 1950 Federal Census |
16. Mackenzie, Daniel (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Canada (Anglophone Prov.) Lived at: 11231 Forrestville
Occupation: Varnish Maker Car Works, Paint Shop: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census |
17. Mackenzie, Malcolm (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11313 Langley
Occupation: Assistant Machinist Railroad Source: 1950 Federal Census |
18. Mackenzie, Terese (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11313 Langley
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
19. Mackenzie, Terese (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11313 Langley
Occupation: Saleslady Retail Notion Store Source: 1950 Federal Census |
20. MacNaughton, Archibald (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United Kingdom (Scotland) Lived at: 11238 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Joiner [Steel] Car Works, Steel Shop: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census |
21. MacNichol, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: Rock Island Freight Depot
Occupation: Trunk Builder Source: 1889 City Directory |
22. Magnasco, Lebert (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11419 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Laborer Liquor Store Source: 1940 Federal Census |
23. Magnus, Edward (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 510 115th
Occupation: Cleaner Cleaners Source: 1940 Federal Census |
24. Magnus, Edward O (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 508 115th
Occupation: Metalergist Heet Treating Co. Source: 1950 Federal Census |
25. Magnus, Helen M (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 508 115th
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
26. Magnus, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: Bldg. B Fulton
Occupation: Teamster Source: 1883 City Directory |
27. Magnus, Marilynn (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 508 115th
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
28. Magnusen, Oscar (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 636 Fulton
Occupation: Source: 1894 Article |
29. Magnuson, Alma (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 11116 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
30. Magnuson, Cecelia (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10712 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
31. Magnuson, Cecelia (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 553 Stephenson
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1900 Federal Census |
32. Magnuson, Charles (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10650 Langley
Occupation: Clerk Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1920 Federal Census |
33. Magnuson, Charles (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 612 Fulton
Occupation: Clerk Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1894 Article |
34. Magnuson, Charles A (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10650 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
35. Magnuson, Chas A. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10650 Langley
Occupation: Electrician Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census |
36. Magnuson, Edith (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10650 Langley
Occupation: Domestic Help Source: 1920 Federal Census |
37. Magnuson, Edith M. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10650 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
38. Magnuson, Emil (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10712 Champlain
Occupation: Painter [House] Source: 1910 Federal Census |
39. Magnuson, Emil 3-1 pf 3 (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 553 Stephenson
Occupation: Painter Source: 1900 Federal Census |
40. Magnuson, Esther E. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10650 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
41. Magnuson, Evelyn (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11116 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
42. Magnuson, Fred (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 11116 Champlain
Occupation: Car Builder Railroad Source: 1920 Federal Census |
43. Magnuson, Hanah N (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10650 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
44. Magnuson, Hannah (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10650 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
45. Magnuson, Hannah M. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 10650 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
46. Magnuson, Harry (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10712 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
47. Magnuson, Helen (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10650 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
48. Magnuson, Helen E. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10650 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
49. Magnuson, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: Bldg. F Fulton
Occupation: Painter Source: 1883 City Directory |
50. Magnuson, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 534 Stephenson
Occupation: Laborer Source: 1889 City Directory |
51. Magnuson, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 647 113th
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
52. Magnuson, John N. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: Bldg. F Fulton
Occupation: Painter Source: 1883 City Directory |
53. Magnuson, Lilian M. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10650 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
54. Magnuson, Lillian (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10650 Langley
Occupation: Teacher Source: 1920 Federal Census |
55. Magnuson, Pearl (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11116 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
56. Magnuson, Roy (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10712 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
57. Magnuson, Roy A (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 553 Stephenson
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1900 Federal Census |
58. Magnuson, Ruth F. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10650 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
59. Magnussen, Charles x pf-5 (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 612 Fulton
Occupation: Electrician Source: 1900 Federal Census |
60. Magnussen, Edith (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 612 Fulton
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1900 Federal Census |
61. Magnussen, Ester (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 612 Fulton
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1900 Federal Census |
62. Magnussen, Hanna (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 612 Fulton
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1900 Federal Census |
63. Magnussen, Ruth (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 612 Fulton
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1900 Federal Census |
64. Magnusson, Alma (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 11115 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
65. Magnusson, Emlie x pf 2 (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Norway Lived at: 411 Watt
Occupation: Housekeeper Source: 1900 Federal Census |
66. Magnusson, Fred (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 11115 Champlain
Occupation: Carpenter Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census |
67. Magnusson, Fred (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Kingdom of Sweden Lived at: 556 Fulton
Occupation: Carpenter Source: 1900 Federal Census |
68. Magnusson, Gertie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 411 Watt
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1900 Federal Census |
69. Magnusson, Maud (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11115 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
70. Maknek, Stefari (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Republic of Poland Lived at: 11135 Langley
Occupation: Laborer Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census |
71. Mashinsky, Frank (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10442 Maryland
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
72. Mashinsky, Jacob (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Republic of Poland Lived at: 10442 Maryland
Occupation: Molder Union Foundry Source: 1910 Federal Census |
73. Mashinsky, Regina (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10442 Maryland
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
74. Mashinsky, Veronica (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10442 Maryland
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
75. Mashinsky, Willie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10442 Maryland
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
76. Mazenko, Thomas (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10358 Corliss
Occupation: Laundry Worker Laundry Source: 1930 Federal Census |
77. McGinnis, Arthur (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 857 Cottage Grove
Occupation: Carpenter Source: 1883 City Directory |
78. McGinnis, Peter (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 233 Watt
Occupation: Machinist Source: 1889 City Directory |
79. McInnes, Charles H (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 443 Stephenson
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1900 Federal Census |
80. McInnes, John 5-1 pf 5 (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Republic of Ireland Lived at: 443 Stephenson
Occupation: Carpenter Source: 1900 Federal Census |
81. McInnes, John D (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United Kingdom (England) Lived at: 443 Stephenson
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1900 Federal Census |
82. McInnes, Nellie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United Kingdom (England) Lived at: 443 Stephenson
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1900 Federal Census |
83. McInnes, Sidney A (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United Kingdom (England) Lived at: 443 Stephenson
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1900 Federal Census |
84. McInnis, Arthur (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: Unknown Unknown
Occupation: Carpenter Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1883 City Directory |
85. Mcinnis, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 804 Ericsson
Occupation: Carpenter Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1894 Article |
86. McKenzie, William (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 361 Stephenson
Occupation: Tinsmith Source: 1889 City Directory |
87. McKinzie, William (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: Unknown Unknown
Occupation: Tinsmith Source: 1883 City Directory |
88. McMaster, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: Brickyard Cottages
Occupation: Brickmaker Pullman Brickyard Source: 1883 City Directory |
89. McMechen, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Unknown Lived at: 110 Stephenson
Occupation: Painter Source: 1883 City Directory |
90. McNaughton, Anne A (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 11339 Forrestville
Occupation: Valueation Clerk County Office Oficer Source: 1950 Federal Census |
91. McNaughton, Annie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United Kingdom (Scotland) Lived at: 11407 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Salesperson Department Store Source: 1930 Federal Census |
92. McNaughton, Archbald (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Scotland Lived at: 11339 Forrestville
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
93. McNaughton, Archibald (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United Kingdom (Scotland) Lived at: 11407 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Foreman Farm Implement Manufacturing Company Source: 1930 Federal Census |
94. McNaughton, Archibald (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11407 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Drill Press Operator Farm Implement Manufacturing Company Source: 1930 Federal Census |
95. McNaughton, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11407 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
96. McNaughton, Margaret (Soundex). Born in: Born in: New York Lived at: 11339 Forrestville
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
97. McNaughton, Margaret (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (New York) Lived at: 11407 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
98. Mecknes, Catherine A (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 10438 Maryland
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
99. Mecknes, John (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 10438 Maryland
Occupation: City Transit System Source: 1950 Federal Census |
100. Mecknes, John T (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 10438 Maryland
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
101. Mecknes, William F (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Illinois Lived at: 10438 Maryland
Occupation: Source: 1950 Federal Census |
102. Messinger, Max (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Michigan Lived at: 10419 Corliss
Occupation: Auto Mechanic Railroad ??? Co Source: 1950 Federal Census |
103. Misenk, Anton (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Czechoslavakia Lived at: 10605 Champlain
Occupation: Security Guard Farm Implement Manufacturing Company Source: 1930 Federal Census |
104. Misenk, Dorothy (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10605 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
105. Misenk, Florence (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10605 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
106. Misenk, Margaret (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10605 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
107. Misenk, Matilda (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10605 Champlain
Occupation: Clerk Office Source: 1930 Federal Census |
108. Misenko, Andrew (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10605 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
109. Misenko, Anton (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Republic of Slovenia Lived at: 10605 Champlain
Occupation: Watchman Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1910 Federal Census |
110. Misenko, Anton S. (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Maryland) Lived at: 10605 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
111. Misenko, Dorothy (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10655 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
112. Misenko, Florence (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10655 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
113. Misenko, Franz (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10655 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
114. Misenko, Helen (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10605 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
115. Misenko, Helen (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10655 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
116. Misenko, Mamie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Ohio) Lived at: 10605 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
117. Misenko, Margaret (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10655 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
118. Misenko, Mathilda (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10655 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
119. Misenko, Mathilda (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10605 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
120. Misenko, Rose (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Republic of Slovenia Lived at: 10605 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1910 Federal Census |
121. Misenko, Rosie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Slovak Republic Lived at: 10655 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
122. Misenko, Tony (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Maryland) Lived at: 10655 Champlain
Occupation: Checker Source: 1920 Federal Census |
123. Misenko, Tony (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Slovak Republic Lived at: 10655 Champlain
Occupation: Watchman Harvestore Company Source: 1920 Federal Census |
124. Misjnkowetz, Andrew (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Russian Federation Lived at: 11204 Langley
Occupation: Laborer Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1920 Federal Census |
125. Misjnkowetz, Domicka (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Russian Federation Lived at: 11204 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
126. Misjnkowetz, Nick (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Russian Federation Lived at: 11204 Langley
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
127. Mousmosco, Jennie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11443 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
128. Mousmosco, Katie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11443 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
129. Mousmosco, Lena (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11443 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
130. Mousmosco, Liebra (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11443 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
131. Mousmosco, Marie (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11443 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
132. Mousmosco, Mary (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11443 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
133. Mousmosco, Reta (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 11443 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
134. Mousmosco, Tony (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Italian Republic (Genoa) Lived at: 11443 St. Lawrence
Occupation: Laborer Car Works: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1920 Federal Census |
135. Muszynski, Catherene (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Indiana) Lived at: 10730 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
136. Muszynski, Catherine (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Indiana) Lived at: 10730 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
137. Muszynski, Catherine (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Michigan) Lived at: 10439 Corliss
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
138. Muszynski, Earnest (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10730 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
139. Muszynski, Eleanor (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10439 Corliss
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
140. Muszynski, Eleen (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10439 Corliss
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
141. Muszynski, Elenore (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10730 Champlain
Occupation: Bookkeeper Real Estate Office Source: 1930 Federal Census |
142. Muszynski, Ellen (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10730 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
143. Muszynski, Ernest (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10730 Champlain
Occupation: Copy Boy Newspaper Source: 1940 Federal Census |
144. Muszynski, Estelle (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10730 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
145. Muszynski, Estelle (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10730 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
146. Muszynski, Eugene (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10730 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1940 Federal Census |
147. Muszynski, Eugene (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10730 Champlain
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1930 Federal Census |
148. Muszynski, Eugene (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10439 Corliss
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
149. Muszynski, Francis (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10431 Corliss
Occupation: Clerk Packing Company Source: 1920 Federal Census |
150. Muszynski, Jacob (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Republic of Poland Lived at: 10431 Corliss
Occupation: Molder Iron Foundry Source: 1920 Federal Census |
151. Muszynski, Michael (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Republic of Poland Lived at: 10439 Corliss
Occupation: Repairman Car Works, Wheel Shop: Pullman Palace Car Company Source: 1920 Federal Census |
152. Muszynski, Michael (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Federal Republic of Germany Lived at: 10730 Champlain
Occupation: Fireman Cook County Hospital Source: 1940 Federal Census |
153. Muszynski, Michael (Soundex). Born in: Born in: Republic of Poland Lived at: 10730 Champlain
Occupation: Coal Passer Cook County Hospital Source: 1930 Federal Census |
154. Muszynski, Regina (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10431 Corliss
Occupation: Stenographer Motor Company Source: 1920 Federal Census |
155. Muszynski, Veronica (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Michigan) Lived at: 10431 Corliss
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |
156. Muszynski, William (Soundex). Born in: Born in: United States (Illinois) Lived at: 10431 Corliss
Occupation: Occupation: None Source: 1920 Federal Census |