Images in the collection -- Subject Organizations -- Civic Organization

An Alternative Proposal For Stabilizing The Pullman Factory Complex

Report dated February 12, 1999, prepared by the Beman Committee of the Pullman Civic Organization proposing permanent rather than temporary repair of structures including cost and site plans.

Subject: Factory_Site; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Avignone to be Installed President of Pullman Civic

Photocopy South End Reporter front page, including article "Begin plans to beautify Olde Pullman region", April 11, 1973.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Blessing of our Companion Animals

Program for 2nd annual pet blessing event, October 4, 2009.

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Blessing of our Companion Animals

Program for 3rd annual blessing, October 3, 2010.

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Events_-_Other; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Chicago Federation of Labor Labor Day Event

CFL Invitation Letter, Bike Parade, and Picnic forms for Labor Day Event 1994 for Pullman residents.

Subject: ; Labor_History,_other; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_Labor_History; Format: Printed Materials - Other

City Gives Pullman Landmark Status

2-page article from the "Calumet Index" October 18, 1972. Describes passage of Chicago ordinance naming Pullman a landmark district.

Subject: ; Architecture; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Council adopts resolution by Adduci declaring Pullman be designated a city landmark

Newspaper article describing the landmarks resolution, and a brief history of Pullman.

Subject: Architecture; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Discover Historic Pullman

A Guide to 21st Century Living in a a 19th Century Village, brochure published by the Pullman Civic Organization to promote living in Pullman neighborhood.

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Publications

Discover Historic Pullman A Guide To 21st Century Living In A 19th Century Village

Brochure containing information on the Landmark District neighborhood with historical facts and details about the neighborhood today.

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_-_Post_1975; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Discover Historic Pullman Living in a 19th Century Village

Brochure containing information on the Landmark District neighborhood with historical facts and details about the neighborhood today.

Subject: Pullman_-_Post_1975; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Federal Funds To Help Complete Restoration

Article from the Calumet Index, March 3, 1971 describing restoration efforts in Pullman.

Subject: Architecture; Chicago_History; Factory_Site; General/Misc.; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Labor_History,_other; Market_Hall; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Historic Pullman Centennial House & Garden Tour

Program for tour October 11 & 12, 1980.

Subject: House_Tour; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Garden_Club; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Hobo Gathering

Handout for Hobo Gathering, July 13 and 14, 2002.

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Other Ephemera

House Tour - Centennial House & Garden Tour-1980

Brochure for the 1980 Pullman Centennial House & Garden Tour, sponsored by the Historic Pullman Foundation and the Pullman Civic Organization.

Subject: House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

House Tour 1975 Brochure

Brochure for the 2nd annual Pullman house tour. Sponsored by the Historic Pullman Foundation and the Pullman Civic Organization.

Subject: House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

House Tour 1988 Ticket

Ticket for entry to houses for 1988 annual House Tour.

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

House Tour 1989 Poster

Six posters for 1989 16th annual House Tour, October 7&8, 1989. Co-sponsored by the Pullman Civic Organization and the Historic Pullman Foundation. Black and white with drawing of Pullman Palace Car Factory along bottom.

Subject: House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Artwork

House Tour 1989 Ticket

2 Brochures for 16th Annual Historic Pullman House Tour, October 7th and 8th, 1989. Sponsored by the Historic Pullman Foundation and the Pullman Civic Organization.

Subject: Pullman_Town; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; House_Tour; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

House Tour 1993 Tickets

Tickets (2) for 20th Annual Pullman House Tour, October 9 and 10, 1993. Sponsored by the Historic Pullman Foundation and the Pullman Civic Organization.

Subject: Pullman_Town; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; House_Tour; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

House Tour 1994 Brochure

Brochure for 21st Annual Historic Pullman House Tour, October 8 and 9, 1994. Sponsored by the Historic Pullman Foundation and the Pullman Civic Organization.

Subject: House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

House Tour 2008 Poster

Poster for House Tour October 11 and 12, 2008.

Subject: House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Artwork

House Tour 2008 Ticket Brochure

Brochure with houses and map for 2008 Pullman House Tour.

Subject: Pullman_Town; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Garden_Club; Pullman_Houses; House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

House Tour 2009 Poster

From 36th annual House Tour October 10th and 11th.

Subject: House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Artwork

House Tour 2010

Ticket order form and tour booklets for House Tour October 9 & 10, 2010.

Subject: House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

House Tour 2011 Ticket

Booklet Ticket for admittance to houses on tour in 2011.

Subject: House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

House Tour 2011 Ticket

Booklet Ticket for admittance to houses on tour in 2011.

Subject: House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

House Tour 2012 Plaque

Wooden and brass plaque given to homeowners for participation in Annual House Tour Event.

Subject: Pullman_People; Pullman_Houses; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; House_Tour; Format: Commemorative Plaque

House Tour 2013 Poster and Brochure

From the 40th Annual House Tour October 12th and 13th.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Artwork

House Tour 2015 Brochure

Historic Pullman House Tour Brochure describing tour and event information for 2015.

Subject: Architecture; House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials - Publications

House Tour Brochure

Brochure for 39th Historic Pullman House Tour weekend.

Subject: Pullman_People; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; House_Tour; Architecture; Format: Printed Materials - Other

House Tour Poster and Brochure

Poster advertising the 41st Annual Pullman House Tour, 2014; Brochure handout advertisement for House Tour

Subject: Architecture; House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials - Other

House Tour Poster and Brochure

Poster advertising the 41st Annual Pullman House Tour, 2014; Brochure handout advertisement for House Tour

Subject: ; Architecture; House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Format: Printed Materials - Other

Interesting Things About Pullman Past and Present

Series of articles written for the Pullman Flyer from 2005-2007, including anecdotal history of events and people in Pullman.

Subject: Architecture; Chicago_History; Factory_Site; Genealogy; General/Misc.; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_-_Post_1975; Pullman_Abroad; Pullman_Bank; Pullman_Company; Pullman_Family; Pullman_Palace_Car_Company; Pullman_People; Pullman_Standard_Car_Mfg_Company; Pullman_Town; Reference; Regional; Victorian_Era_-_general; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Interesting Things About Pullman, Past and Present

Collection of essays. Topics include columns from Pullman Flyer, Roseland American Legion Post 49er, Daily Southtown and Roseland Pullman Sports Hall of Fame. 22 pages, plus 4 copies of cover page.

Subject: Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Kensington; Memorials; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Pullman_Improvement_Association; Pullman_(General); Pullman_People; Roseland_Community; Sports; War_Memorial; Format: Printed Materials - Publications

Interesting Things... 2000-2003

Series of essays and anecdotes relating to the social history of Pullman, for publication in the Pullman Flyer. Typed original and draft copies, some with photos and banner layout.

Subject: World_War_II; World_War_I; War_Memorial; Victorian_Era_-_general; The_Snow_Cruiser; Regional; Reference; Pullman_Water_Tower; Pullman_Train_Cars; Pullman_Town; Pullman_People; Pullman_Landscape_Design; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Family; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Pullman_-_Post_1975; Pullman_(General); Organizations_--_Pullman_Improvement_Association; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Other; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Memorials; Lake_Calumet; Labor_History,_other; Illinois_History; Hotel_Florence_History; Historic_Reference; General/Misc.; Factory_Site; Chicago_History; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Architecture; Arcade_Building; Administration_Building; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Jennie Curtis Strike Centennial Dance

Five raffle tickets from dance sponsored by Pullman Civic Organization, Saturday, July 23, unknown year.

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Other Ephemera

Jennie Curtis Strike Centennial Dance Tickets

Set of 5 yellow tickets for Jennie Curtis Strike Centennial Dance event on Saturday, July 23rd, 6:30 to 11:30 p.m.. Presented by the Pullman Civic Organization and held at 614 E. 113th St. Chicago. Donation was $5 per ticket. Ticket nos 100 to 105.

Subject: Chicago_History; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_Labor_History; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Memorial Day Ceremony

Observance held at the War Memorial at Pullman Elementary School. Photo of resident beside the memorial with names of servicemen who gave their lives in combat.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; World_War_II; Format: Mixed media

Memorial Parkway Will Be Dedicated To Pullman Heroes

Article from March 29,1950 South End Reporter describing the War Memorial installation at the Geo. Pullman School.

Subject: Chicago_History; Memorials; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_Schools; War_Memorial; World_War_II; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Midwest Public Affairs Group Proposal for Services and Terracom Proposal for Services

Several proposals for developing a press kit for publicizing the Historic Pullman Community, commissioned by the Historic Pullman Foundation and the Pullman Civic Organization.

Subject: Advertising; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Format: Printed Materials - Other

News for the Pullman Flyer, Pullman Beautiful (Historic and Nice Things About Our Pullman)

Typed original. Topic: Christmas of 1880.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Photo album

Photo album with brown pleather cover, gold foil border. Includes 71 images of Old Pullman Day activities, August 23, 1970.

Subject: ; Historic_Reference; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_People; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Photo album

Red with gold border, labeled "Pullman" with address label. 3-ring binder type photo album with 32 pages of photographs, and 21 additional unmounted images. Historical images are reproductions or photocopies; some images are mid-20th century.

Subject: Chicago_History; General/Misc.; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Organizations_--_Other; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Pullman_Improvement_Association; Photography_-_Misc._vintage; Pullman_(General); Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Reference; Regional; Roseland_Community; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Area Near Landmark Status

Newspaper article clipped from Chicago Tribune, written by Stan Ziembe, January 1, 1970.

Subject: ; Architecture; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Factory_Site; General/Misc.; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_History; Illinois_History; Labor_History,_other; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_Company; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Labor_History; Pullman_Town; Reference; Regional; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)

Typed original; subject is original bylaws of the PCO.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)

Hand-notated copy of typed original, includes note from PCO Community Improvement Committee; topic is Christmas of 1944. 4 copies total.

Subject: ; Historic_Reference; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)

Typed and hand-notated original article; topic is John Erstman and the origins of the Beman Committee of the PUllman Civic Organization.

Subject: ; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Historic_Reference; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)

Typed original, 2 pages. Written for May 1980 publication; topic is the origins of the modern Pullman preservation movement.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)

Typed original; topic is Christmas of 1960.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)

Typed original; topic is anniversaries of both George Pullman's birth and the reactivation of the Pullman Civic Organization.

Subject: ; Historic_Reference; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_(General); Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Beautiful (Nice Things About Pullman Past and Present)

Copy of typed original; describes origins of the Pullman Civic Organization.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Civic Organization 50th Anniversary Dinner

Advertising booklet, ticket, flyer and seating chart for 50th anniversary celebration held at the Hotel Florence, May 15, 2010.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Civic Organization Annual Holiday Party

December 15, unknown year

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Civic Organization By-Law Changes

Two-sided, typed, showing proposed changes to Pullman Civic Organization by-laws, undated

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Civic Organization By-Law Revisions

Revisions to By-Laws of Pullman Civic Organization , undated

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Civic Organization Installation of Officers

for 2006-2007

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Civic Organization Membership Cards

Collection of membership cards from the Pullman Civic Organization from March of 1983 through March of 1985. Contains names and addresses of Pullman residents.

Subject: Pullman_People; Pullman_Houses; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Civic Organization Military Committee

File of items relating the the Military Committee: newsletter, photographs, etc. The Committee sent a monthly newsletter to the men and women in the armed forces during the Vietnam War - for over 7 years. A total of 132 military personnel received the newsletters, checks at Christmas and birthdays, and local newspapers.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Mixed media

Pullman Civic Organization Scrapbook

138-page scrapbook with photographs, newspaper clippings and articles, correspondence and other memorabilia of the Pullman Civic Organization from 1965 through 1972. Entire scrapbook available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Library at the Hotel Florence.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_-_Post_1975; Roseland_Community; Format: Mixed media

Pullman Civic Organization scrapbook

Scrapbook containing memorabilia pertaining to the Pullman Civic Organization, emphasis on the Military Committee. 50-75 pages approx. Green cover with label.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Civic Organization Scrapbook

Items from 1973 to 1986. Includes newspaper articles, letters from prominent politicians, photographs, and clippings from the Pullman Flyer. Approximately 50-75 pages. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam reading room at the Hotel Florence.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Mixed media

Pullman Civic Organization Sticker

From the 1980-81 membership year.

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Civic Organization Sticker

Sticker given out with PCO membership during years 1984-85.

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Civic Organization Stickers

Stickers given out with PCO memberships during years 1984-85.

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Day 1970

Photo album with 71 images of parade and activites of Old Pullman Day August 23, 1970. The day was a celebration of Pullman's newly acquired landmark status. The entire album is available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Library in the Hotel Florence.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_(General); Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Development Hopes Still Alive

Article about redevelopment at factory site after 1998 fire. From the Southeast Chicago Observer. undated.

Subject: Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Administration_Building; Factory_Site; Pullman_1998_Factory_Fire; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Flyers 1967

Publication of the Pullman Civic Organization February through May and July through December. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Reading Room in the Hotel Florence.

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Flyers 2009

Publication of the Pullman Civic Organization January, February, March, April, May, August, November, and December issues. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Reading Room in the Hotel Florence.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman History

Newspaper clipping c. 1972, publication unknown. Describes upcoming meeting to determine Landmarks status of Pullman; describes briefly the history of the PCO.

Subject: Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman House Tour Tickets

A collection of House Tour Tickets from years 1983 thru 2010.

Subject: Pullman_Town; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; House_Tour; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman House Tour Tickets

A collection of House Tour tickets from 1983 thru 2010.

Subject: House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Journal, Special Edition

Pullman Journal is a Special Edition produced by The Pullman Flyer group.

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_(General); Pullman_Labor_History; Format: Printed Materials - Publications

Pullman Labor Day Bike Ride

Brochure for 5th annual Labor Day bike ride, including map of route, and lecture stops.

Subject: ; Labor_History,_other; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_Labor_History; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Landmark Notice

Flyer notifying the community that Pullman had received state of Illinois landmark status, 1969.

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Living

Brochure listing neighborhood amenities such as transportation, shopping, restaurants, schools and churches.

Subject: Pullman_-_Post_1975; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Market Hall and Market Circle Community Assistance Panel

Draft of a report on behalf of the Historic Pullman Foundation and the Pullman Civic Organization prepared by a panel of nineteen Chicago professionals on redevelopment of the Market Hall in the historic community of Pullman.

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Market_Hall; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman opening doors to history - and to you

Newspaper article published October 10, 1974 in the Chicago Tribune. Describes the first Pullman House Tour.

Subject: Architecture; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Picnic

Newspaper clipping, unknown publication and date, of Pullman Civic Organization-sponsored picnic, c1950s-60s.

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Pullman Scrapbook

Scrapbook with miscellaneous newspaper clippings and articles about Pullman. 1970-1972. Complete record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Reading Room in the Hotel Florence.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_(General); Format: Mixed media

Pullman Senior Citizen Club

Several typed articles and other documents relating to the Pullman Senior Citizen's Club, 1970s.

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman Senior Citizens Club Scrapbook

Three-ring binder, 46 pages of photographs, programs and other items relating to the Pullman Seniors Club of the Pullman Civic Organization. Individuals in photographs are identified by name. Includes an alphabetical list of members of the Senior Group with follow-up comments. Mid 1970s to mid 1980s. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Reading Room in the Hotel Florence.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Mixed media

Pullman Seniors

Photographs taken at the luncheon celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Pullman Senior Club, February 23, 1999.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman Seniors Club Photographs

File of twenty-eight three-whole punched pages, not bound, of photographs of Pullman Seniors Club members, all identified. Includes images of dinners and other outings and events. Also are vintage (copies?) early images of members and families. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlam Library in the Hotel Florence.

Subject: ; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Photograph (all forms)

Pullman The Strike of 1894

This brochure lists the 1994 innovative programs planned by various organizations such as guided tours, film and lecture series, festivals, symposiums, exhibits and video and film presentations.

Subject: Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman War Memorial

In 1949, the Pullman Civic Organization (PCO) embarked on an effort to erect a monument to the 14 servicemen from Pullman who died in World War II. The project was headed by Ladi Tome, chairman of the PCO war monument committee. This record includes a written chronology by Mr. Tome of each step in the process starting in April, 1949 and ending on May 20, 1950. The monument was dedicated on May 21, 1950. The file contains correspondence with vendors, work orders, invoices, and correspondence with city officials regarding permitting, city council approvals, newspaper articles, etc. Also included are short biographies of each individual shown on the monument. Names were later added to memorialize servicemen from the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. There is later correspondence relating effort to move the monument from in front of Pullman School to Arcade Park in 1987. This effort was unsuccessful. The file contains copies, photocopies, and original handwritten documents. Full record available for viewing at the Bertha Ludlum Reading Room in the Hotel Florence.

Subject: World_War_II; War_Memorial; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Mixed media

Pullman War Memorial, file of documents

File of documents relating to the placing of a monument to 14 servicemen from Pullman who died in World War II. File includes handwritten chronology of the process from April 1949 to May 1950; the monument was dedicated on May 21, 1950. Also included is correspondence with vendors, work orders, invoices, etc. and short biographies of the servicemen honored. Documents are originals and photocopies.

Subject: Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Memorials; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_People; War_Memorial; World_War_II; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Pullman, The Strike of 1894 Poster

Poster advertising Pullman Strike Centennial Events and Programs 1994 and sponsoring groups.

Subject: Pullman_Labor_History; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Labor_History,_other; Chicago_History; Format: Printed Materials - Other

Remembering Christmas 25 Years Ago - 1971

Carbon copy of typed original. Describes PCO activities and lists some attendees of Christmas party, for unknown publication.

Subject: Chicago_History; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Pullman_People; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals


Red three-ring binder consisting of photographs, newspaper clippings, magazine articles,etc. about Pullman and items relating to Pullman.

Subject: Chicago_History; General/Misc.; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Other; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Photography_-_Misc._vintage; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Reference; Regional; Roseland_Community; Format: Photographic Materials

South Pullman District

A summary of information on the South Pullman district. Reissued by the City of Chicago, June 1972.

Subject: Pullman_(General); Plans/_Reports/_Studys; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Format: Printed Materials - Publications

State Recognition of Pullman

Article published June 25, 1969 in the South End Reporter,

Subject: Architecture; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Illinois_History; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Steps Being Taken to Preserve Pullman Area

Article describes the formation of the Beman Committee to acquire Landmarks status for Pullman.

Subject: Architecture; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Greenstone_Church; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_--_Exterior; Illinois_History; Market_Hall; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_People; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials -- Periodicals

Touring Pullman brochure

Booklet, "Touring Pullman"

Subject: Architecture; Barrett,_Nathan_Franklin; Beman,_Solon_Spencer; Chicago_History; Historic_Reference; Hotel_Florence_History; House_Tour; Organizations_--_Historic_Pullman_Foundation; Organizations_--_Pullman_Civic_Organization; Preservation/_Architecture_(General); Pullman_(General); Pullman_Houses; Pullman_Landscape_Design; Pullman_Town; Format: Printed Materials - Publications



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Pullman [A-H] [I-O] [P-Z]

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Chicago Collections is a consortium of libraries, museums, and other institutions with archives that collaborate to preserve and share the history and culture of the Chicago region. Seach in their holdings for pullman.

Search Chicago Collections.

The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) is a digital library that contains data and thumbnails for millions of photographs, manuscripts, books, sounds, moving images, and more from libraries, archives, and museums across the United States. Images are contributed by a large number of U.S. institutions. Search this vast collection of images and data using these links: